Website Colophon Cover

Website Colophon

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Hello and welcome to my colophon.

What is a Colophon?

Let me Google that for you.

I. Introduction

As a web developer, this colophon serves to benchmark the current technologies I’m interested in and concurrently using to build this portfolio. As of September, 2024 ~ below is a summary of the technologies that are being used to hoist this thing together.

II. How it Works

Primary Domain:
Subdomain #2:

Domain is operating as a “holding” company to my primary domain spaces, meant to serve the artist and technologist within me. My plan is to sell artwork as well as subscriptions for technical consulting, active project development, and maintenance contracts on the shop sub-domain. The tech sub-domain is currently a bit of a stomping ground as owning/operating via Foci full-time and working out the business agenda through a constant state of rebranding.

Hosting & Registrar


I migrated the domain from Dreamhost to Vercel this year and setup web hosting for only $20 / yr (!) at this point, as my traffic is pretty mild. Vercel comes with pretty amazing DX, and I can push files from my local to the instance with a simple vercel --prod command in bash. Super nice.


Built in MERN Stack.

a. Next.js
b. React
c. Tailwind


Currently I’m using WordPress as a headless CMS (, by grabbing data on that subdomain and using it in reference, on my primary domain. I’m using the WPGraphQL plugin to do this, which allows for a very easy-to-use API request in my Next.js app to fetch the data. The case studies specifically, is data that is stored as Custom Post Types with custom fields assigned in WordPress, which I am then exposing on the WordPress REST API and then requesting into my app.


Initially setup to be the “agency” side of my business, it’s becoming more of a data store for API calls (like as mentioned above under “Backend” for

Built in LAMP & MERN Stack.

Hosting & Registrar


*I use Hostinger because their VPS options are incredibly cheap, though their data centers I recently realized are in Massachusetts an b/c I’m in Colorado ~ this can cause some miliseconds in lag time on page load…

As soon as my site is rocking in numbers and my small business begins to grow, I’ll switch to:


‘Cuz I love them.

Frontend & Backend

This website is using the TwentyTwentyFour default theme. It’s a pretty remarkable theme for a gazillion reasons, but namely I built my site in a FSE Theme that I’ve customized using the theme.json file, building custom blocks both classically and using modern scaffolding tools. So it really is quite the hodge. I’m also using the recently released Block Bindings API which I gotta say, is a percolating and amazing addition to the code base.

More coming soon… as will be opening up soon. Check back later!